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- Publication:
- Birmingham Gazettei
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- Birmingham, West Midlands, England
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- 3
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3 THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY GAZETTE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5 1898 CORRESPONDENCE COURSING Mr Bonnie Chieftain Walters sen 2 8 5 Mr by Royal Hampton Claribelle If Bates 8 1 Mr Gay Cavalier Nightingall 2 8 1 Mr by Jock of Marie Agnes Private 2 8 1 Mr Frankie Eisey 2 7 12 SPORTING NEWS SELECTIONS FOR LEICESTER The thifk-and-thin supporters of Sloan experienced a bad time this afternoon when young Luke treated the spectators to a couple of extremely fine displays of race-riding end this youngster is coming rapidly to the front Loates was also twice successful daring the day Rumours of a disquieting nature concerning Sandia are abroad and I hear this evening that the cilt is suffering from shingles and may not run in the Duke of York Stakes I hope the report is exaggerated In the race men- tinned Purkiss rides St Luoia and Harry Luko one of probably Celada Sport at Leicester will not bo particularly brilliant bat the course is in grand order and on the opening day some of the following inay win races viz Rancliffe HANDS OFF Camp Selling Fiddlestring Maiden Catiline or Pelkasantkord 430 Midland Raymond or Lily Gray 40 Gopsall 1 Athena is Melton Roughhidb (in the absence of Fosco) Tuesday Evening TIP Mr Eisey! Wharfe aged 7st 11b Purkiss 0 (Rave started at 2 37 Winner trained by Betting 13 i- 8 ag-t Draco 11 to 4 agst St Fort 6 to 1 each agst MARTHUS and Sybarite 10 te 1 agrt Fregoli 100 tn 7 each ag-t the other- Sybarite next the rails cut out tie work from Freund Draco and Fregoli with St Fort a-id llarthu- on the right hand and Wharfe several lengths in th" mar So they ran to the junction of the court e- when Dra'xi lot hi- place and Martha- became third with St Fort next Ove the hoi Sybarite wa joined by St Fort and Marthus of whom St Fort shortly afterwards rc-'-umed the lead but was challenged by Marthus who won a treto rac? by a head tw ngihs separated the second and third kV-gfli was fourth Eicurial liftb False -Step sixth ami Wharfe Iasi throughout The ELVASTON CASTLE PLATE (Handicap) of 200 vs winners extra tho second to receive 20 sovs 5fur straight Mr DEGRAMMONT l)y The Cripple 4 vrs 7st 21h Luke 1 Lord BEND SINISTER 3 vrs 7st 101b Lnate-s 2 Lord WOODBURY 3 vrs 8st 111b 0 Madden 3 Mr Mills's Otliery 5 yrv 9st 61b Bradford 0 Mr A Cochrane's Beckham pton 6 vrs 8at 51b ollsopp 0 Mr A Eccles's Minfin 4 yrs 8s lib (car 8st 3il! Weldon 0 Mr Sfludachkm's Potboy 6 vrs 7st 111b Purkiss 0 i Sir DLnorali 3 vrs 7sr 31b Toon 0 i Mr A Braseey 5 vrs 7st 31b Lofth use 0 (Race started at 3 7 Winner trained bv Jeffery) Betting: 4 to 1 uh agst W- dbury and DEGRAMMONT 11 to 2 agst Beckhampton 6 to 1 agst Mincro 7 to 1 agst Bend Sinister 8 to 1 each agst Potboy and Dinorah 100 to 8 agst each of the others Dinorah on the inside showed Hie wav from Degrammont Bend Sinister and Woodbury with Potboy and Bnufey next in front ot Beckham ptorr order was maintained for half the journey when Degnumnont drew to the front followed by Woodbury ansi Bend and stalling ff the challenge of the last rained Degrammont won a good race by a short head three lergtlw separated the second and third Potboy was fourth Mincio fifth Dinorah sixth Beckham ton and Brassey last The COLWIOK PARK SELLING PLATE of 125 sovs weights for age allowances winner to be sold for 50 sovs about lm 3fur Mr DEBRETT by Royal Red Letter 2 vrs 6st 81b (car 6st 111b Segrott 1 Mr HALF PAY 6 yrs 9st 61b Weldon 2 Mr II TINY WHITE 2 yre 6st 81b Purkiss 3 Mr Ley's Barlretti 2 yrs 6st- 91b Peck 0 Mr Edwardes' 8 Rigmarole aged 9st 91b Fagan 0 Duke of Dowf 3 vrs 9st Finlay 0 Mr Jennings jun's Goblin 3 yre 8nt 81b (ear 8st Dili) Bradford 0 (Race started at 3 37 Winner trained by Raisin) Betting 7 to 4 agst Tiny White 7 to 2 agst DEBRETT 5 to 1 agst Half Pay 7 to 1 agst Goblin 10 to 1 each agst Barbette Rigmarole and Dowf offered Rigmarole drew out clear of Debrett Tiny White and Barbette with Dowf next and Half Pay last They ran thus till fairly in the line for homo when Debrett drew to the front followed by Tiny White and Half Pay oud won by three parts of a length half-a-length separated the second and third Rigmarole was fourth Dowf fifth anil Goblin last The winner was purchased by Mr John Maclachlan for 210 g8 and Rigmarole was sold to Mr A Farrer for 45 gs 410 The SHERWOOD NURSERY PLATE (Handicap) of 150 m'V winners extra the second to receive 10 sovs 7fur straight Duke ot DISMAY by St Simon Ismay 8sfc 111) Loates 1 St AVIDITY 7st 61b Toon 2 Mr L1EBENSTEIN 7st 2lb Sloan 3 Mr Sivallmvbtck 8-1 111b Woldon 0 Mr (i ElwardeV- Stolen Love 8st- Fagan 0 Mr Christina 8st Madden 0 Mr Bmidless 7st 911i Allsopp 0 Capt Montbars 7st 41b Segrott 0 (Race starred at 4 24 Winiv trained by Dawson) Bi tting 5 to 2 ag-l Stolen Love 4 to 1 each agst Avidity and Chri tina 9 6- 2 agst Liebengtein 100 to 14 agst DISMAY 10 to 1 ugst Breadless 50 to 1 agst MontU-xs ICO to 1 ag-t SwaJlowbcck offeied There was considerable delay belore Lirbcn-tcin on t-Iie left jumped ff in front -if Stolen Love on she right with Breadless Avidity and Dismay next In this order tiw-y ran um-ii breasting the hill when Avidity joined and headed Liebensfcein but uie pair were challenged inside the distance by Dismay who v-on by a length and a half a similar distance separated the second and tliird Stolen Love wiu fourth Christina fifth Montbars next and Swailnwbeck la 440 -The STAKES of 120 sovs for the winner 20 ILlium who won the Barnby Manor Selling Plato at Nottingham yesterday was sold to Mr Norton for 155 gs and Blondin II who started favourite and finis! ted fifth went to Mr Lawton for 35 gs while Charisia was bought by Mr Jackson for 30 gs Debrett not Debut who won the Coliwick Park Selling Plate at Nottingham yesterday realised 210 gs at the auction subseqm nr to that race Mr Maclachlan being the purchaser Mr A Farrer bought Rignarole from Mr George Edwardes for 45 gs On Monday afternoon at Shirley a very interesting galloway match was brought off between Mr skewbald gelding (Variety) and Mr Alfred polo pony Tlie conditions were one mile over four hurdles Mr Nicfeol to rifle his own pony and Mr Garrett to put up anyone he pleased It was quite a sporting affair being for 50 dinners only The arrangements were looked after by Mr Clews Head Shirley and he put up some very stiff fences but the little skewbald pony jumping in wonderful style cantered in a winner by a di-dance betting rated at 5 and 6 to 4 on Urn winner Mr Batchelor kindly acted as judge Mr Clews was starter and the stewards were Mr Short and Mr Browns word Before and after the pony match some good nigeon shooting sweepstakes were shot off and some wonderfully fine shooting was witnessed by a largo concourse of friends It is said that Herminius could not possibly give the weight to Liscarton in the Cesarewitch There are insuperable obstacles nevertheless in the way of the three-year-old seeing the post and in spite of the notice occasionally taken of Bradwardine the full confidence of the Ogbourne stable rests upon the shoulders of Herminius The Lower Hare Park training establishment at present occupied by the American trainer Huggins has been secured by Mr de la Rue the lease having been transferred to that gentleman The October part of the Sporting Chronicle Racing-up-to-Date is now on sale at the moderate charge of sixpence Sandia travelled badly at the London clubs yesterday for the Duke of YTork Stakes for after 6 to 1 was betted 100 to 12 was freely on offer This move left Bridegroom in command at 5 to 1 and Mount Prospect vas next best in demand at 7 to 1 Gazetteer figured at 8 to 1 and either the last-named or Bridegroom will be ridden by 0 Wood Bay Ronald Melange and Foston were introduced at 100 to 7 A bet of 1000 to 2C0 was voted to Herminius for the Cesarewitch for which Chaleureux stood at 6 to 1 and Merman at 8 to 1 King Crow and Aster ie figured at 10 to 1 and Up Guards advanced to ICO to 9 Beverini advanced to 100 to 6 and Bonnebosq was a 25 to 1 chance Chelandrv was favourite for -the Cambridgeshire at 10 to 1 and Labrador was backed at 100 to 9 Of the outsiders The Baker and Prince Barcaldine were backed at 40 to 1 SELECTIONS FOR LEICESTER Rancliffe Selling Hands Off Camp Selling Lackford Maiden La Belle Duchesse Midland Nursery Handicap Sweet Annette Gopsall Buddler TO-DAY Melton Plate Loyal Favourite FOOTBALL WEST BROMWICH ALBION AND THEIR GROUND DECISION TO REMOVE Tho Albion directors had a prolonged meeting la re right and carefully considered the various proposals that have been made with regard to their ground and as a result of their deliberations they unartmou decided to remove to the Birmingham Road grouri about which there has been so much said the last few weeks As a matter of fact the directors clearly saw it was the only thing possible to save the club from utter extinction The Albion directors found that they could not command gates of sufficient dimension? to justify them remaining at Stoney Lane and they decided to remove to a more convenient position wher- there is every reason to believe they will get much larger gates than they have done up to the present time They have throughout looked at the matter as business men feeling tho responsibility resting upon them for the maintenance of the club and believing that the only possible way to meet the increased expenditure was to pitch the playing quarters in a district cay of access to all Tho Albion have never relied upon West Bromwich alone for their support but the districts have supplied the bulk of their patronage By removing to the main road it is believed they will be able to attract a very large number of people who hitherto have only visited the Albion matches occasionally on account of the difficulty of getting there and the very inadequate accommodation after arriving at tho ground The directors liave very wisely decided not to publish the exact terms upon which they have decided to make the change but tho unanimous decision at which they liave arrived should be sufficient to assure their supporters that the removal will be advantageous to the club It may be taken for granted that liaving decided to remove the directors will see that the ground is fitted up and equipped so as to bo a credit to the club and worthy of its traditions Tho directors are determined to raise the tone of football in West Bromwich if possible Messrs Mitchell and Butters hesitated to do anything which there was a suspicion tho town generally was against but it has been shown to them that the great bulk of the shareholders as well as the directors aro of opinion tliat they will be conferring an inestimable boon on tho club by providing thorn this ground There are absolutely no difficulties in tho way now and we are convinced the general verdict will bo that a stop has been taken in tho right direction We are convinced that the Albion directors have taken a wiae course and now oven tho few opposed to the stop wdl admit it was the only- possible oouree open to them if the club is to 1 kept in the front rank of First ornsa-tion Wo think the public ought to know that the chief credit for bringing the negotiation to a successful issue is clue to Mr Spencer the (Jaannan of the Directors who has spared neither time nor expense in his self-denying labours He has bow loyally supported by tlie bulk of hrs colleagues Tom Clare the International full-back of the Burslem Port Vale Club who had one of his logs fractured in the Second League match with Grimsby Town on Saturday is still progressing as satisfactorily as can be expected No complications are anticipated to follow on the setting of the injured limb although Clare has passed several restless nights Stevenson of Derby County has returned to Glasgow and it is said there is a likelihood of hs signing for Clyde Celtic we understand have arranged for the transfer of Battles from Liverpool in order to strengthen their very weak half-back line Battles departure from Parkhead was caused by the famous strike for which however ho was only indirectly to blame but the lesson taught him should bo to the advantage of hia new masters MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION At a meeting of the Football Association held at the Offices Chancery Lane yesterday under the presidency of Mr Alcock the draw for the second round in the qualifying competition for the Association Cup in respect of Divisions 8 9 and 10 resulted as follows Division 8 Warmley Bedminster Portsmouth RA Cowes Freemantlo Oxford City Bristol St George Staple Hill Division 9 Watford Lowestoft Richmond Marlow Bush Aylesbury United Wol-verton 3rd Grenadiers or 1st Ooldstiuam Guards Division 10 Metropolitan Railway Bromley Leyton or United Eastbourne or Sitting-bourne Laytons tone Maidstone Brighton United Thames Ironworks To be played on tho ground of the first-named club on October 15 Kick off at 3 30 pm Tho only other business which occupied the attention of the meeting arose out of the recent Oup tie between Richmond Association and Park Rangers on the Old Deer Park in which for misconduct on the field Mr A Boston Bourke the referee ordered one of tho players off tho field and was then himself subjected to a gross assault on the part of one or more of the spectators The meeting devoted a considerable time to the investigation of the matter but eventually they exonerated the Richmond club from blame They suspended Brooks tho Park man who was ordered off the field for a month from October 4 and ordered tint tho Rangers' club ground should be closed until October 18 and that dqring tliat period tho Rangers should not play within a radius of seven miles of their own ground' LEICESTER OCTOBER MEETING PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY Hor-es marked a have arrived The RANCLIFFE SELLING PLATE of 103 sovs three-year-olds tot 51b four and upwards lOst and allowed 31b tho winner to be sold for 60 sovs entrance 3 sovs 5fur age st lb aMr Waterperry Private 3 9 5 aMr Hands Off Owner 3 9 2 TO CORRESPONDENTS (Bremyard) We are inquiring Celtic Rangers at Park Head last year Centre Half (Birmingham) He must be reinstated (Dudley) Reports of matches must be sent in time for istn-e Jacko (Birmingham) There was a Leicestershire Royal Handicap run for at Leicester RACE FIXTURES FOR 1898 5 (Wednesday) Leicester Oct Meeting 2 days 7 (Friday) Kempton Park Oct Meet 2 days 8 (Saturday) Paris 2 days 11 Newmarket Second Oct 4 days 15 (Saturday) 1 day 18 Newcastle Autumn Meet 2 days 18 (Tuesday) Gatwick October Meeting 2 days 18 (Tuesday) Curragh October Meeting 3 days 20 (Thursday) Sandown Park Autumn 2 (lays 20 (Thursday) Tbirsk Autumn Meeting 2 days 22 (Saturday) Birmingham 1 day 22 Cologne 3 days 24 (Monday) Wolverhampton 1 day 25 Newmarket Houghton 4 days 21 (Thursday) Worcester Autumn Meeting 2 days 29 (Saturday) Hurst Park 1 day 31 (Monday) Lingfield 2 days OFFICIAL SCRATCHINGS Octobeii October (irtofcer October Octoberl October Octoiier October October October October Octobc: October Octoterl Octobe Octobe October Elvaston Plate Thimble All Engagements except Gatwick October Meeting 1898 Petty Franc1 Duke of York Stakes Kempton Park Dinna Forget Imperial Produce Stakes Kempton Otfcerden Commodore Regent and Nun Royal Kempton Park Engagements Brechin Half Moon Handicap Kampton Park Alarm II Kempton Park Engagements ThD Week Warfield Ali Engagements in Sir Name The Remnant All Engagements 1898 Lustro ami Or Ever All Engagements Perouche (dead) Borgia (dead) filly foal by Ladas Lady Roeeberrv (-kia-d) by Carbine Ariehte Lactariu3 Plane Gounod Fiordaiiso anil colt by Montroyd rdiu Bradford Plate Leicester Thimble Leicester gtagemenrs Brechin Gopsall Par i--i 'ester Miss Jr-nnv Iteice-ter Engagements This Week Warfield Handicap Hurdle Race Liverpool Keymer All Handicaps where the Weights have Appeared -Holt Castle Oporto and Sirdar LONDON BETTING Tuesday ITEMS FROM EVERYWHERE William Mutton a shipwright employed in refitting the gunboat Niger at Ste erness fell from some staging to the bottom of the dock on Monday and was killed On Monday evening whilst bathing in the sea at linker Sunderland a young man name! Thomas Reeves was drowned He had only gone a short distal nee out when hr suddenly disappeared Deceased wits a native of Stockton The recent statement that Maurice Canon a native of the small frontier town of Stein in the State of Constance who weighs 50 stone was the heaviest man on earth is disputed by a correspondent writing from Hastings who asserts that the record is held by Mr Whitton of that town scaling 51 stone An inquest was held at Brighton on Monday on the body of Elizabeth Moore aged 87 spinster who was burned to death on Saturday evening She was weak mentally and physically and had been seen playing with aches It is supposed that she set her clothes on fire A verdict of Accidental death was returned An inquest was held at Ramsgate on Monday on tho body of Francis Ernest Major a fishing apprentice While standing in a swing boat which was going at a high rate of speed Major let go the rope and was thrown out He fell on his head and fractured liis skull The jury returned a verdict of Accidental death" There is a brisk revival in the Cheshire salt trade and the shipments from Liverpool Runcorn and the Manchester Ship Canal liave during the month just 'towd approached 56000 tons as compared with 000 last year The depression in the salt and chemical centres has beau acute for some time and any improvement is weloonuM A (at has made the perilous attempt of climbing up St Cathedral evidently after the pigeons and a long pole that was placed beside her in order to make her descent easy only succeeded in upsetting the poor nerves so teat she came with a flop from the top to the bottom and landed unhurt Yet to sinilo at her catastrophe would be most unfeline Delion the murderer arrested in London some months since with an accomplice was condemned to death in Paris on Monday morning He was accused of having strangled an elderly woman for her money and jewels at Chaumont He and seme of his companions in crime who called him chief vent to London in order to try to negotiate stolen securities there but the French detectives wore soon on their track During tho course of a soeno of the usual description at the Bermondsey Vestry on Monday night a young man in the gallery applauded one of the speakers Tho Chairman at once ordered his removal As this was being done the offender said pleadingly Can I come in A Member He is a young man up from the country for a holiday and was told to go to a place of amusement The Chairman (to the attendant) See that he is not admitted again We must preserve order here It would appear from the results of the tour of team that cricket in the States so far from having progressed is worse than it was when previous combination went over Then though the visitors included such bowlers as Bull and Jossop the success attendant on tho Englishmen was loss than during tho latest tour though not a single first-claas bowler figured on the side Philadelphia is the only oitv in which cricket is played with any cl ogre 3 of enthusiasm Reports reached the authorities that the state of the Carmine Prison in Naples was very bad and that more prisoners were kept in one room than it was fitted to hold a Commission has been sent to make an inspection They found that almost all the cells were unfitted for habitation damp and dirty In one room capable of holding about 45 persons there were 82 Fifteen Camorrists had been shut up in a dark damp cell for 20 punishment with the strait-waistcoat and diet of bread and water! While crossing the lighthouse hills at Cromer on Monday two golfers stumbled upon the body of a young man with a out in his throat and a bloodstained razor in his light hand Deceased was evidently a visitor and his pockets were well filled with gold and silver He appeared not more than 24 years old and some correspondence found shows that he was a post -offioo clerk employed at Pimlico named William Shillaker He had been staying at Yarmouth and his brother- had been searching there for him A death under peculiar circumstances has occurred in Dublin An itinerant dealer named Mary Ryan and her husband a militiaman were travelling a few days ago from Dublin to Navan on the Midland Great Western line and in the carriage with them were three or four men who it is alleged were under the influence of drink A quarrel occurred and Mrs Ryan was bitten on one of the fingers of the right hand Tetanus subsequently set in followed by congestion of tho lungs which resulted in her death Roskilde Cathedral in which tho remains of the Queen of Denmark aro to bo laid is the burial-place of all the Kings and Queous of Denmark from the 10th down to the present century The cathedral is very finely decorated especially the chapel of Christian IV A curious feature in it is a stone pillar in the chapel of Christian I on which are marks indicating the height of Peter the Great the Czar Nicholas I and Alexander III as well as of some members of the present Danish Royal Family Roskildo was at one time the Royal residence town of Denmark In spite of all attempts to put an end to the strike which has now been going on in Paris for some weeks matters still stand' exactly as they did at the outset But the effects of the strike are now forcing themselves on public attention The delay in carrying out certain extensive works is giving rise to a fear that these cannot now le ready iu time for the opening of the 1900 Exhibition Considerable inconvenience is also caused iu thoroughfares which were being repaired when the strike began Gaping holes interfere with the traffic and the complaints of the inhabitants of certain streets where tho sewers were being changed are grievous A shocking catastrophe occurred at Latour Paris on Monday Fire broke out in tho thatched roof of a house inhabited by seven persons who were asleep at the time An alarm was given and two women were rescued though not before one of them had been seriously injured The stays supporting the roof were burned almost immediately after the fire broke out with the result that the blazing mass slipped down in front of the door and windows of the house It was quite impossible to save the inmates after the roof slipped and they were burned to death The wind carried the flames to two neighbouring thatched buildings which were also destroyed The seizure and sale of goods by a process-server lias had its unremarked and less conspicuous counterpart lately in England and in the law-abiding county of Cornwall Iu Paris it was an author here a painter and even an Associate of tho Royal Academy A great many Cornishmen object to pay certain Church dues and Mr Napier Homy a settler among them and a sharer of their dislike decided this year as once before to make his protest as public as possible Last year the distraint was made on some of his sketches which were readily sold at fair prices while ho looked on and smiled but tins year official cunning took a new direction and marked for auction the oak dining-table An extraordinary accident occurred on Monday afternoon in Messrs Irvine's Shipbuilding Yard West HartlepooL Whilst a large number of men were at work on a large steamer tliat is being constructed the vessel heeled over on her port side owing to the collapse of her shoring blocks that held her in position This sudden movement caused the utmost consternation among the workmen but fortunately owing to the slowness with which she turned over they were able to get clear without any casualties occurring The damage done will probably amount to several thousands of pounds It is feared that it will be impossible to replace the vessel in her proper position and that she will have to be broken up A singular stoppage of work oecurrcxl at Bolton on Monday Show was in the town and at breakfast lime before the usual procession the workmen at many of the largo works refused despite all threats to resume work Dobson and great works had 3000 hands out and Hicks' two engineering works and Barlow and cotton works were practically as badly off the men who ventured to go into work being hooted by those who stopped out Works after works were stopped as the word was passed among the workpeople to remain out and it was calculated that thousands of pounds were lost in wages The masters were seriously inconvenienced and threaten to punish the ringleaders A serious scandal has come to light in connection with the affairs of the City of Leghorn Signor Cos-tella Mayor of Leghorn until recently considered a successful man of business and as a public man he disposed of considerable electoral influence Lately however it had been whispered in Leghorn that Signor affairs were not in a flourishing condition and the fact that he had been obliged to sell his villa gave rise to a suspicion that he might not be solvent A fow days ago matters came to a crisis An inquiry into the condition of the City Treasury showed that 44000 lire wore lacking and Signor Costella disappeared and no trace of him has as yet been discovered Debts amounting to 500000 lire have been found against his name and there are no assets A number of municipal officials have been arrested and scandalous details of maladministration are being brought to tight Tragic examples of the dangers of French liaisons are periodically furnished The latest cornea from the town of Toulouse where a Tanq has been stabbed to death by a woman who then opened her wrist-vans with a razor and has died from her self-inflicted injuries Tanq was a haberdasher and was regarded by bis friends as a steady and serious person Latterly he was put in the way of making what is there termed a fine marriage and accordingly resolved to throw off tee yoke of a person named Ganrny who was divorced from her husband Gamuy healing tliat tee haberdasher was about to marry as a solatium for her injured feelings made a demand for 5000 francs The halxirdasher laughed in her face whereupon she stabbed him in the breast with a triangular-biaded dagger The police on arriving found Garuny bleeding profusely from the wrists She too soon died and a medical examination showed that she had swallowed poison before cutting her veins open WAPPENBURY MEETING Stewards Messrs II Smith Trevor Dudley Giles Simonds and A Brown judge Mr Fulwell slipper Wright: flag steward Mr Page hon secretary Mr Fagg slip steward Barford With the entries for this popular gathering falling far below expectation the above meeting merged into a single day affair and the few opportunities owners of greyhounds have had of galloping their dogs owing to the hard state of the ground for a long period was manifest throughout the day's proceedings The High Kirn and Parkfield pasture however afforded excellent going and the trials generally were of a very fair order and great credit is due to Mr Darlinson and his energetic staff for the excellence of the arrangements A start was msde soon after eleven with the Derby and Oaks and in each of these the puppies ran very green As usual here Mr A Brown played a strong hand and shared the spoils with a quartette of useful ones albeit Chosen came forth as probably the best youngster that ran There were several others that will display better form when in more forward condition There was nothing remarkable in the running in the Wappenbury Stakes except for the defeat of Royal Tartar upon whom liberal odds were laid and after being just led was just beaten when the hare escaped The ex-Water looer Silver Lace and Pic Nic II were fully entitled to their respective positions at the end of the stake The judging and slipping were very sat i sf aotory Details The DERBY for 14 dog puppies at £3 10s each winner £27 second £9 third and fourth £3 each I Mr Head of Kinsale beat Mr Honest Smith Mr Count Cowley Mr Port Taihot Mr Silver Carver Messrs Jones and Dudley Diamond Mr Lord Ombersley Mr Silver Salt Cellar Mr Hordern ns Peter VL Mr Castle Hill II Mr Royal Encounter Mr Colonel Threlfall Mr Royal Chieftain Mr Silver Vase il Head of Kinsale beat Count I Roval Encounter beat Peter Cowley VI Silver Career Lord Ombersley Royal Chieftain a bye Stakes divided THE OAKS for 9 bitch puppies at 3 10s each winner £17 second £7 third £3 i Mr Royal Grace beat Mr Silver Sky Mr Rent Roll Mr Castle May Mr Chosen Mr Horse Leech Mr Royal Spiteful Mr Countess of Osborne Mr Gorhtza a bye II Royal Grace beat Rent Roll I Royal Spiteful a bye Chose beat Goriitza Stakes divided The APPENBURY STAKES for 14 all-ages at £3 10s each winner £27 second £9 third and fourth £3 each I Mr Tommy Bennett beat Mr Lord Lyon IV Mr Silver Lace Messrs Jones and Dudley Deacon Mr Over the Sea II Messrs Jones and Dudley Fullerton Mr The Silent 31 Roval Tartar Mr Hordern ns Picnic II b3ir Cocaness Mr Ghost of a Belle Mr Horsham (1) 31 Royal Tribute Mr Vimlock Silver Lace beat Tommy I Picnic II beat Ghost of a Bennott Belle Over the Sea II The Silent Royal Tribute a bye HI Silver Lace beat Over the Sea Picnic II beat Royal Tribute Stakes divided RIDGWAY MEETING Judge Mr Brice slipper Bootiman hon sccretarv Mr ilugliston Fears were entertained that the unusual weather conditions would have militated against the success this meeting but the members have given a capital response and with tho puppy entry falling just one short of a hundred and the Clifton Cup presenting an attractive entry of 14 including such as Woxkm Fire Flash Weather Forecast Look in tho Glass Jesses and Bells Rogmore Radiancy (rouge an interesting meeting is assured The Tenants Cup and Peel Stakes are additional items Sf that quantity as well as quality is in store Several prominent names figure in the list of nominators including his Grace tho Duke of Leeds Sir Thomas Broddebauk Sir Robert Gardiner the Hon 0 Molyneux Mr Glasgow Messrs Fawcett Mr Pilkington kc The members end friends dined in considerable force at the Clifton Arms Hotel Lytham with Mr Fawcett in the chair and tho draw was afterwards carried through The meet is at Birk at 9 30 the order of running being once down The North and South Lancashire giving 50 courses the second card will be a very strong one THE DRAW The NORTH TiANCASHIRE STAKES for flog puppies at £3 5s each 103 paid 10s Lvrfcit Messrs Fossell's Farm agyt Mr Special Prize Mr Pi I king Penrith agst 3Ir Winter Pastime OstpL Johnstone's Good Fortune agst the Hon 0 Mark Over Sir It Toxopholite agst Mr Pilot Mr Prince Ranji agst Mr Hook and Eve iffr Hardy Pick agst Mr Homer Mr Humphrey's Idea agst Mr Mugarton ns Parole Jfr Mugliston ns Perfect Drive a grt Messrs Freak of Fortune Mr Welcome Signal agst Mr Jolly Fortunate Fawcett's Fanock Fort agst Mr Gamekeeper Dr Harpoon agst 3fr PLlkington's Passenger 31V Ward's Weston agst- Mr Hawking Bird Mr Quarry agst Mr Rufterhond Mr Mugliston ns Peter Parley agst Mr Pilkington 's Perthshire Messrs Foe to Fear agst Mr Raynor's Swin-th waite Mr Gladstone's Grapnel ogtft Mr Raynor's Refulgent Mr Gladstone's Golf Club agst Mr Danaus Dr Hostage agut Mr Respirator Mr Fondle Hill' agst Mr Mftigliston ns Palatine Boy Sir Blind Purstiit agst Sir Jaixline's St Albans Mr Gladstone's Grossbeak agst Sir rookie Btreezy Morn Mr Hedvins agst Mr Humphrey's (to Capt Johnstone's Lucky I tog agst Mr PatoiHonto Wooeang Mr White's White Czar ugst ihe Hon Marvin Mr Polieastro agst Mr Jones's Jug Handle Mr Head Lad agst MV Wield the Baton Dr Harris's Haguebut ft bve Th: SOUTH LANCASHIRE STAKES for bitch puppies si £3 5 each 98 paid 10s forfeit Mr Ward's Legate agst Mr Harmonium Dr Harris's Harebell III agst Messrs Fearless Footsteps Mr Mug! is ns Piquante agst the Duke of Lavishly Clothed Mr Winning Step agst Sir Brown Beauty Dr Honeybird Mr Green Maze Mr Bright- Thing agst Mr The Logan Mr Hiqw On agst Mr Good Thing Sir Bridal Veil agst Dr Harris's Hellebore II Mr Paterson's Miss Wang agst Mr Sybil Like Mr Mugliston ns Pomquoi agst the Hon 0 Maypole Dr Heather Bee ag-t Messrs Fawcett's Fiery Face Dr Hawking agt Mr Horatio Messrs Fawcett- Flitting- Fast agst Mr Reformation Mr Westwood agst the Hon 0 C' Molyneux's Moneyed Maid Mr Hybris agst- the Duke of Leeds's Low Down Mr Mugliston ns Perfect Day agst Capt Hoie-Johnstone'8 Scatter Cash I'r IIrit'-'- Hilva agst Mr Whitehurst Mr White Satin agst Mr Dinah Doe Messrs Field Fairy agst Mr Mugliston ns Perfect Flight The Duke of Leeds's Lapal agst Mr Gold Bangle Mr Frankby agst Mr Pilkington 's Parana The Hon 0 Moonstruck agst Sir Zero Messrs Foot It Fast agst the Hon 0 Money Spinner To meet at Birks at 3 70 Order of running once through toe card The Clifton Cup the Oup and the Peel Stakes are added to the second card HUNTING ATHERSTONE Shu ttingbon Bridge Three Pots Dordon CROOME Pirton Sidings Severn Stoke Wednesday Oct I Friday Oct 7 Saturday Oct 8 Thursday Oct 6 Saturday Oct 8 Midland Commissions The of last night contained the following: War Office October 4 Volunteer Rifles 1st Battalion Womretershire RegfLment The undermentioned second-lieutenants to be lieutenants Watson 8 Somers: Vivian Gray Maitland to be second-lieutenant dated 5tli into 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment: Second -lieu tenant Rigden to be lieutenant dated 5th inst Cyclists Thomas Slater was summoned at the London City Summons Court yesterday for cycling to the common danger of passengers in King William Street A police-constable said defendant rode by the King William statue at a rapid pace ran into a lady and knocked her off her feet He rang his bell but too late Defendant said the lady ran forward and slipped His bicycle did not touch her She admitted at the time it was not his fault Alderman Newton thought all persons who rode bicycles in tho City especially swiftly were devoid of ordinary common sense and fined the defendants 10s and costs BEYOND HORN PURE TEA ONLY is stro: and delicious Inimitable for delicate aroma nerve-restoring healthful and beneficial propcrUcs Always Good Sold by Birmijigbam Morris Banks auu Co 2 and 3 High Street Bui! Rutter 2S0 Monument Read Barker Lozells Place 417 Moseley Road liisueter and Miller 20 Bennett's Hill Buck-buurn Longmore Street and 270 Moseiey Ruacl iicox Prospect Row Adams Hill ana Dudley Road Taylor 400 Monument Road A Cooper Stratford Hoad Chemist City Road Srnyrk and Neild Chemists Brown 1G8 Hockley Hill Gridin 139 Monument Road Freeman 108 Icknield Street Franklin 373 iseiey )ioad Greatrex 82 Ladywood Road Mackenzie Chemist Parade iiandsworth Aaron 383 Dudley Road Baldock 1S3 Green Lane Harris 18 Camp Hill and 423 Moseley Road Magor Corporation Street Hornby Bloomsbury Moss 79 Birch field Road Morgan and Jennings 2 Great Francis Street Spurway Cheraist Sparkhili Plumb Soho Hill Price 172 Bromserove Street VVragg Digbeth EcstaJl and Co Moseley Road Roberts Islington Row and Stratford Road Salt Aston New Town Dibble Broad Street and Stratford Hoad: Jenson 225 Great Colmore Street Sparshott 311 Coventry Road Smith! 191 Haglev Road Johnson Lady pool Road and Dudley Road 1 aylor 10 Hockley Hill TOi Acres Co-operative Society Stirchley Street Thompson Stratford Road and Spark-itij Thompson 153 Summer Lane Heath 273 Broad Street Heath 382 Lodge Road Wilkes 236 Broad street ritoblrw Chemist Monument Road Child 6 City Road Berry Spring Hill and Snov II til King Simmons Wooley Hemus Confectioner King High Street Gaskin High Street rtplon-1 lant Co-operative Society Winfield Oldbury-Round Martin Stourbridge- Civjke Limited Chotoists 54 nigh Street Se'leck Chemist 136 Ifigh Street Co-operative Lawton Chemist Store- Lane Chemirt Low Grocer King's Grocer Old Hill Cox Chemist Advt- Ail communications for publication should he written on side of the paper out and must he authenticated by the name and address of the writer Letters which exceed 6C lines of printed matter will either be i jeered or severely oompressed We cannot insert letters which liave been previously published in other papers Iu ms news to have any chance ot insertion must be scut without delay (Darlaston) We are inquiring Ii' The gentleman's address is 3 New Court i Carey Street WC Apply to Stubbs's Mercantile Offices 42 Grerham Street KC When tho Gronttioh clock is at noon the time in New York is 7 14 am Messrs promises in Bull i Street were opened in September Messrs Bemrose and Sons Derby publish a penny guide to the Workman's Compensation Act Constant We should ad vise you to apply to any of the better-class secondhand bonkseBers in Birmingham We have no rcord Our only suggestion is that you should collect bank-notes and weigh them yourself Lichfield is a city and county of itself) Southampton is a county borough like Binning ham The oity and county of London are distinct The Emperor of China Kwaug-Ilsn was born on August 15 1871 succeeded to the throne on January 12 1875 ami was married on February 26 1889 It is well-known that are manufactured us largely as other kinds of violins Your best plan umld be to place the instrument in tee hands of a trustworthy and reliable dealer and ask for his expert opinion It is impossible for us to decide from the fow details you give HOSPITAL ABUSE TO TIIE EDITOR OK TUB DAILY fcAZETTH Our hospitals would bo very inexpensive if they existed only for the relief of the sick ami injured but as exist primarily for the education of medical expensive lecture rooms and appliances have to be built and maintained tho medicals should boar their share of expenses The students at the London Lying-in Hospital pay each a fee of £21 Should medical students iu Birmingham have all tho benefits of hospital training at tee expense of the charitable Yours JUSTICE WHAT AN OBSERVANT MAN SAW At Shoreditch County Court yesterday John Chambers a bailiff attached to the (hart sik! to recover damages for assault and an attempt to steal by force his warrant of execution from John West of 3 Swi nnortori Street Homerton Plaintiff said that when he worst to tho houeo the defendant acted like a wild beast and tore lus coat down the back Defendant All men are tiara (laughter) Judge French Is this stoay oorreot? Defendant: Drunk when fee got there drunk when ho was there drunk when he left laughter) His Honour: What do you mean by ali that? 1 )efendanit That's what hss condition was as aeeft by an observant man (laughter) Honour And who was tho observant man? Defendant: I was His Honour: Have you boon drmkmg? Icfondant (humming a tune) Ho was drunk I was sober Hie Honour: Have you had any drink this Defendant I should bo a fool if I odd I because I ha re Nothing out of the way Honour: For the cowardly and brutal asstmU on this officer of my (3ourt I fine you 40a EARL UNHEEDED WARNING At the Spellhome Petty Sessions on Monday Edward Burooll of Creek House Shcpperton was summoned for maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm on Earl Buchan by causing some jdanks leaning against a wall to foil upon liis lordship and also for maliciously damaging a plum tree to the extent of 10s Earl Buchan stated tliat on September 17 he was walking about his grounds at Shepperton when some planks were thrown on to him from a wall by the defendant He was knocked down by tho planks and had several ribs broken Mr Barrows Who put tho planks on the wall Karl Buchan I did Mr Barrows How far over tho wall did they jirojoetT Buchan They did not project tu- Mr Barrows You say tho plonks were thrown off? Earl Bnchan They were shoved off and I was under the wall Mr Barrows: Did tho defendant deliberately throw a plank at you? Earl Buchan 1 know I gavo the beggar warning Mr Barrows: Warning? Earl Buchan: Yes warning and sharp warn ing Mr Barrows: Wore you attended by doctors Earl Buchan Doctors es by four of and I have pains about mo still Mr Barrows You were able to get about as usual Earl Buchan No I waa not Mr liaiTOWs Were you confined to bed? Earl Buchan: Yes for several days Mr Barrows Is it not a foot that you have been boating since this cooarrenoe Earl B-udfian What? Mr Barrows Have you not since been boating on the river? Earl Buchan No I do not think I have Mr Barrows Will you swear that defendant has not rescued you from the river since the oooisr-renoc? Earl Buchan: Yes I will George llama gardener to Earl Buchan stated that the plum-tree in question was nailed to tho wall anil a tiny branch was broken off by a falling plank 1 1 estimated tho damage at 2s 6d It appeared tho defendant was im the employ of tho gentleman whose grounds adjoined those of Earl Buchan and who hoe been annoyed by his lordship putting planks against tho wall so as to project over on to his property It was stated that his lordship declined to remove the planks on being asked to do -Defendant admitted knocking the planks Without calling upon Mr Barrows to address them the justices dismissed tho Bimiraonsee and ordered his lordship to pay £3 12s cost3 IMPORTANT CASE TO TRADERS His Honour Judge Haringfon sitting in Binning ham County Court yesterday was called upon to decide a case of considerable importance to business people Th plaintiffs were Robert Bunting and Sons steel manufacturers Sheffield and they sought to recover from Potter and Sons blacksmiths of 254 Summer Lane Birmingham the sum of £17 17s Id for goods sold and delivered Mr McCardie (instructed by Mr Tanner) was for the plaintiff firm and Mr Doisett (instructed by Mr Baber) appeared for the defence The purchase of the good was admitted but the defendants contended that payment had been made Mr Doraett explained that tho actiou was for the recovery of two sums £15 Is 5:1 and £2 15- 8d The second sum had been paid into Court with costs the larger sum had bu paid to a traveller named Jones who took tee order The traveller before he entered into the employment had been in the habit of upon the defendants but on April 18 he informed them that he represented the plaintiff company He then booked the order for goods to the value of £15 Is 5d and these were delivered on May 19 with an invoice The terms of the contract were cash subject to 5 per cent discount On May 28 Jones called again and received the money The plaintiffs afterwards stated that Jones had no authority to collect tho money on their behalf and demanded payment from the defendants Defendant in tho course ol his evidence declared that lie had never received notice not to pay Jones In cross-examination he admitted that before the delivery of the goods Mr-F Carpenter the local agent of the plaintiffs called upon him but that gentleman simply asked if the order was all right Mr Carpenter was called on behalf of the plaintiff-: and stated tliat in August last year Jones was engaged by them as traveller He received his notice in October and left in January this year Subsequently asked the plaintiff if they would pay him commission on an order which he thought ho could obtain from Potter and Sons and they agreed He sent the order and witness called on Potter and Sous asked whether the order was all right and told them that Jones had simply obtained the order on commission and that he was not a iervant of the plaintiff He did not however warn Potter not to pay Jones In cross-examination Mr Carpenter admitted that he tried to obtain tho money from Jones after he was informed that the money had been paid to him Jones bold him he had not got the monjy and tiLat he had spent it for household purposes and witness then informed Jones that he would liave to go to Potters for the money His Honour asked witness if he would not I be justified in paying the traveller to whom he gavo tee order and witness replied Yes in die ordinary course of His Honour said ho must gave judgment for the defendant- The question he had to determine was whether the plaintiffs put Jones in such a position tliat he had apparent authority to receive this money and whether Jones liaving received it the plaintiffs had adopted his acc-ount and treated it as money received for their use No notice was received by Potter warning him not to pay Jones and the payment was made to him in the ordinary course Then the plaintiffs having of their own accord applied to Jones for the money adopted his account and treated the payment to him as a payment made cm their behalf If they meant to hold Potter responsible they should liave obtained hi consent to an application to Jones before it wa made Exciting Akfaib at Mayfield On Monday night Dr Frederick Ashurat MB of liayheLd waa at New Mills charged with feloniously auakuig with a dagger at Mr Abel Buckley Wimpomy on October 2 Both are members of the School Board and District Council and Dr Asfaurst was last year a candidate for the Derby County (Journal It i alleged that on Sunday afternoon Dr Anburst went to Mr im penny's house but failed to see tom On ro turning however they mot and1 it is stated that tne doctor strode at Mr Wien penny with a dagger and also threatened to teoot him Toe blows wore werded off with a stick but tho dagger waa aeoarad by soeno men who are near The Bench granted a remand until to-day and allowed bail ARRIVALS Horatio Her Ring Isopod Irish Laddie Jupe Jack Hinton Loyal Favourite Little Ijil Lackford Lily Gray-Look Sharp La Belle Duchesse Beano Barney Breadless Buddler Counsellor Chirrul Catiline Faith Cure Forcemeat Galsara Golden Hope Hope Hands Off Melah Pbeasantford Petit Hidonie Procber Roughside Reuben More Shniola Sirene Sweet Annette Sonatina Waterperry Zebac SCRATCHING Maiden Plate Jolly Chilly PREDICTION ADVERTISEMENTS These Advertisements are charged at the rate of Is per Line Advertisement can aj)iear in the Birmingham Lady Uaaette unless the Order is accompan ied by the actual Name and A dares of the Advertiser We do not allow any advertisers to refer to us in support of their statements DIAMOND: 153 110 53 Guide 157 SPECIAL One-horse Select ionlS3 RACING WORLD: 76 57 12 26 nice 53 SPORTING LUCK: 21 116 141 Special 145 SPORTING SKETCHES 13 19 14 SPORTING HERALD: 83 133 Wired Marthus Dismay THE UMPIRE Every Sunday One Penny Key says: 116 25 125 84 61 JOCKEY SPECIAL: Devonshire Vermillion Alington Yesterday: Dismay DogTammont Jockey: 16b Send 2a 6d at once for Winner of Cesarewitch biggest certainty ever known delay not tho A Porter 19 Row Dudley a821 TOD MOUNTS for rest of week wired on receipt of -Midland Turf Syndicate Crown Buildings Birmingham Post or wire cash to-day a8i22 Grand selection to hand concerning above not the favourites Connections very sweet Terms 2s 6d returned if John Lawson Box 12 Post Office Froiue a8411 FRED MAY has an unbeatable Special for Leicestershire Handicap This gem has been specially reserved for this event which it can hardly lose and is sure to be returned at a good price He will send this with view to future business lor 2s Address Fred May Lainbourn Burks a84I0 SELECTIONS FPOM MIDDLEHAM OPINION 9 pear 16 brick apple pear 3 brick 13 Lackford Cesarewitch careful 6 Cambridgeshire 9 good Duke of York 19 primus Wires next three days 5s Kempton 3s 6d Opinion for Cesarewitch week Is order Mentor Middle-ham RSO SPORTING SPORTING PUBLISHED DAILY OF ALL NEWSAGENTS PRICE Id SPORTING STAR in Grand Form again yesterday Having given the following good Winners viz: HELIUM (5 to 1) MARTHUS (6 to 1) DISMAY (100 to 14) While our Special Nap won again at a grand price: DISMAY 100 to 14 agst! DISMAY 100 to 14 We have more of the same kind in store for this week Post early 7s 6d for our Special Naps for rest of week or 4 6d for our Champion Three-horse Wires Callers from 12 Naps 2- 6d Three-horse Is daily 1850 Office SPORTING STAR 1 Cannon Passage Birmingham THE WORLD-RENOWNED ONE-HORSE-A-DAY MAN MAKTHUS A DAWSON wired Marthus certainty He MARTHUS has another Marthus for October Handicap at MARTHUS Leice-ter Those sportsmen who have not caught MAIi the Sloan fevor should send for this very special MARTHUS selection Terms Address PO Leicester GOLF ATHERSTONE AUTUMN MEETING This a four meeting opens to-day The following have been handicapped for the open competition for a silver The Rev Siddall (Royal Liverpool) Aboil Lucas and il Harrington (Warwickshire) Neale (Alccster) Richardson Warborough) A Fail-hurst and A Martendaie (Sutton Goldfield) Onnorod (Stapenhill) Moir Beck and Hartland (Burton-on-Treut) Lawrence (South Staifondehire) Jvinmond Mar-F Garter Bourne and Smith-Turber-ville (Kenilwortih) the Rev I Stephen A Phillips Dr Locket Roberton Bourne Allen Stewart II 0 Tomlin II HuLton El well and Dr Joy (Atherstone) NORTH WARWICKSHIRE CLUB In connection with this club a competition took place on the links Kenilworth Road Leamington yesterday afternoon The prize offend was a silver-mounted umbrella presented by Miss Humphreys Tho competition was tournament under-match play The weather was fine The whole of tho rounds were played off and in tho final Mrs Lomax beat Miss Hcycock by 3 up and therefore proved the winner The various rounds resulted as follows: In tho first round Mrs Turner boat Miss Ohamliors Miss Howe beat Mrs Reade and Miss Ward scratched to Mrs Lomax In the second round Miss Heycock heat Mies Parratt Miss A Dawkins beat Miss Matheeon Mrs Turner brat Miss Jones and Mrs Lomax beat Miss Howe The third round resulted in Miss Heycock leating Miss A Dawkins and Mrs Lomax beating Mrs Turner Final Mrs Lomax beat Miss Heycock 3 up ATHERSTONE NORTHAMPTON On the links of the former Score Atiibrstokk Nortuamiuox AV Bourne 2 Dawson 0 Hulton 5 0 Henderson 0 A Phillips 11 alarehall 0 II Roberton 0 0 Striven 1 Locket 3 A Tibbutt 0 Bourne 0 Taylor 1 21 2 QUOITS ENGLISH CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION The semi-final of the above championship was played at the Sydenham Hotel Grounds at Smai! Heath Kompster of (Trays Essex and Smith of Wednesbury being tho contestants There war a good attendance of the supporters of both men ard the spectators wore witnesses to a splendid! -contested game Kempster was the first to take the lead hp pitching with wonderful accuracy and leaving Smith well in tho rear The Wednesbury nan played with commendable pluck and near tlm close of the game was within four points of his opponent the game then being called Kempster 59 Smith 55 With the game in this interesting state Smith by splendid pitching reduced the majority by two Then however when a continuance of his best form might have snatched the game out of the fire Smith pitched rather poorly and thri combined with some bad luck allowed Kempster to get two in and win an exciting game by 61 points to 57 Both men played in a manner worthy of a championship semi-final and the President of the English Quoiting Association echoed the of those present when he said it was the besL game he had ever seen SWIMMING Five Ways Grammar School The boys of the Five Ways Grammar School held high revel in the Kent Street Baths last evening tho occasion being the school dub swimming sports The Rev MacOarthy who is president of the club s-s well ae headmaster of the school presided and Mr A Page officiated as judge To Mr Page for his services to Mr Combridge and: Mr Lucking for prizes and to the governors of the school for favours received thanks were especially due Results: Three Headers Cooke 1 Browett 2 Boughton 3 300 Yards (Open) Boughton 1 Fraley 2 Two Lengths on Back (Open) loates 1 Browett 2 60 ards (raced in two heats) Final: Boughton 1 Fraley '2 Swimming in Clothes: Boughton 1 Fraley and Latew equal for second Old Race (four lengths) Barker 1 Jones 2 One Length Egg and Spoon Race (three heats) Final Fraley 1 Browett 2 60 Yards Consolation Race: Greeyv The candor and Birmingham YMCA Swimming Clubs added to the interest of the programme by team racing aid a polo match the latter resulting in a win for the Christiana by 3 goals to 0 BIRMINGHAM ATHLETIC CLUB The winter session was inaugurated lat night by a gymnastic display in the presence of a large gathering of the members and friends of the club The programme included items of gymnastics parallel bars horse rings horizontal liars boxing fencing single-stick Those who took part in the paraded bare horse rings and horizontal liars were Professors Connor Brodbeck and Moorhouse Instructor Yule Messrs Slater (Walsall) Cooper Ling Parker Skinner CL Wells (Birmingham Athletic Club) CL McGregor (Lozells AC) and II Hewitt (Solly Oak AC) Heavy weight-lifting was demonstrated by Messrs Adkins and Cooper boxing by Messrs (L Towers and Handley Twist and Holt Winter and Cooper I Handley and Professor Greenfield single-stick exercise by Messrs 8 Grove and Partridge fencing by Messrs 0 Williams and Chatterlev Lyric Cycling Club This club concluded their first fixtures on Saturday with a most successful social at the Grand Hotel The splendid weather that has prevailed throughout this exceptional summer 1ms enabled them to make many delightful excursions to some of the beautiful spots within reach of our city that the bicycle lias made Thirty-nine nuoanbeas and friends sat down to tea and about a score more joined them afterwards and harmony prevailed until nearly 11 The musical faro provided was most excellent and much appreciated It included songs by Mrs Trevarthen Mrs Pike Miss Levy Miss Chamberlain Messrs Cole Lunt and Trevarthen Instrumental items by Mr Wymark Stratton and Air Stewart while tho comic element was contributed by Messrs Mayo and Pumfroy The company broke up after singing Auid Lang with votes of thanks to the president (Mr Newman) who occupied the chair and other officers Impromptu runs are to be held every Saturday during the winter weather permitting mooting by the Colonnade at three Many Persons Lcuii ready at hand LittleAnver nils to prevent hilioua attacLs sick headaoiie ana stouiaeli "i-ineius ami find tlieru just what they need is 14L fihit he sure they are Carter British Depot 46 llolb-ni Advt TO OVERCOME and 'iroz Tonic gives New Life Appetite Health Strength ilnd Energy Shilling bottles Everywhere insist oa havinz Ajvt 44 MORNING SPECIALS IIY PRIVATE WIRE London Wednesday (6 am) LEICESTER (Vigilant): Rancliffe Hands Off Camp- Breadberry or Fiddleetring Don Silva or Astral Midland Jupo or Galsara Gopaall Athenais or Her Ring eiton Roughsido Sportsman (Man on the Course): Rancliffe Hands Off Camp- Lackford Maiden Golden Hope Mi Hand- GALSARA Gopsa II Athenais Melton Roughaide -Hands Off Camp -Breadberry or Lackford Maiden Pheaeantford or Don Silva GALSARA or JUPE Gopsall Zebac or Ruddier eiton -Roughaide or Loyal Favourite (Man on the Spot): Rancliffe Hands Off Breadberry Pheasantford Midland Jupe Gopsa'l -Zebac Melton lioughside Chronicle (Travelling Correspondent) Hanoi iff Hands Off Camp Lackford Maiden Golden Hope Midland Lily Gray Gopsall Athenais eiton Roughside (Kettledrum): Rancliffe Hands Off Camp Lackford or Si rent- Maiden Don Silva or Isopod GALSARA Gopsall Zebac or Athenais eiton Roughside Telegraph Rancliffe Hands Off Maiden Ranielton Lassie colt Lady Bounce Athenais Melton Roughside Daily Mail Rancliffe Hands Off Camp Si rone Maiden Pheasantford Midland Sweet Annette Gopea 1 ATHENAIS -Roughside Leader Ranch ff Hands Off Camp Sir Hew Maiden Ramelton Lassie colt idland -Raymond ATHENAIS Melton -Roughside Morning Rancliffe Waterperry Camp Sirene aide I sonod Midland Galsara Gopsall Zebac Melton Fosco GALLOPS CESARE WITCH Asterie had a nice exercise gallop of two miles and ft quarter Beverini was sent a mile and a half at a useful rate Chaleureux went a mile at a moderate rate Herminius and Bradwardine had a striding gallop of a mile and a half with Dower King Crow was ridden by his trainer in a nice half-Bpeed gallop of two miles Liscarton was on the walking list Merman had a good exercise gallop of a milo and ft half Prose did steady work at a mile and a half South Australian was given a striding gallop over two miles and a quarter Survivor covered a ilo and a quarter at a useful rate Up Guards covered a mile and a half at a good rate CAMBRIDGESHIRE Berzak cantered six furlongs twice Bridegroom went a mile and a quarter at three-parti speed Bridegroom was given a striding spin of one mile and quarter Mount Prospect had a nice half-speed gallop of a mile Newhaven II did easy work at a mile Nun Nicer cantered Nunsuoh had a couple of six furlong canters St Cloud II galloped a mile at a good pace Uniform did steady work at six furlongs Rower had a striding spin of a mile od a half with Bradwardine and Herminius STABLE NOTES The f-porfc at the Nottingham meeting has not been so good as it should have been when the excellent attendances ere taken into consideration The crowd on Monday displayed in an unmistakable manner the popularity with the working classes of racing on that day and aroused a feeling of regret at the decision ol" the Jockey Club in deciding not to grant future fixture- for Mondays In the Midlands a race meeting relies upon the support it gets from the working classes to a great extent and Monday is with the exception of Saturday perhaps the most popular day for such an i-ffair just now especially when sports of another although not possibly so absorbing a kind are provided for them in such an ample manner We must expect a few false favourites just now and when we have seen a few more like Santa Regale on Monday and Blondin II yesterday in the Barnby Manor Selling race it is likely that bankers will realise that the first thing to take into consideration vvh trying to find the winner of a race is the capability of the horse at the weight and then the ability of the rider and to make the jockey tire first consideration and the horse the second or regard the latter as not being worth a consideration is somewhat- suicidal In the race Blondin II once appeared to have an excellent chance of winning but Loates was successful where Sloan had failed for he got Heiiu home very cleverly which the American failed to do in the Saturday Handicap at Manchester where the so a of Suspender and Chemistry was a heavily-backed favourite It must be said that the class in yesterday's race was anything but good but it compared very favourably with that in the Saturday Handicap if the value of the winner is any criterion for the winner of the latter race fetched 115 gs whereas Helium realised 40 gs more Bend Sinister has been responsible for many disappointments this season In the Elvaston Castle Plot- yesterday she showed a fine turn of speed but she flattered to deceive for when it came to the vital moment of the race the daughter of Bend Or and Vaurieimo was in difficulty and succumbed to Degrammont by a head Luko jun showed the spectators what jockey- ship was in the finish for the Weibeck Stakes his riding of Mart bus being easily the best bit of horso-nnuisnip displayed during the afternoon Draco of course was favourite but though ho got away at the start- as well as his backers could wash he ran much below the form he displayed on his last public appearance The finish for this race between St Fort and Marthus was the tit-bit of the afternoon No jockey could have ridden with more determination and cleverness than did young Luke and with a rider of ordinary capacity on his mouut Mr Maclachlan would not have won the Weibeck Stakes Dcbrett whose name was given to die reporters overnight as Debut and appeared so on the card won his first race yesterday in very taking fashion Mr MacluohJan entered his recent purchase Half Pay for the race the Colwiok fork Selling Plate but the gelding failed to give 371b away to Debrett The display of thy favourite Tiny White was not particularly flattering The Nursery was practically the last race the by as King Hampton in the Bemfcinek Stakes allowed a walk over Stolen Love was reported bo "going this but she ran very cratol The connections of Dismay have waited ten-e very well and ncived their reward when of St Simon ml Ismoy won the ShorwtXKl ry in clever fashiou- Mr Dungar Mr Castle May Mr Oceauu Mr Raudlertov Driscoll Prirce Cannon juu Clement Mr by Laotanteus Pr ibatl Waugh A MAIDEN TWO-YEAR-OLD PLATE of 100 sovs for two-vear-olds that have never won at entr its tot 31b fillies and geldings 9st winm (September 6) 71b extra 5fur Mr Don Silva Owner aMr Catiline Peace aMr Isopid Owner aMr (i Jack Hinton Marnes Mossy Rank Eisey Mr by Raeburn Ramelton Lassie Leader Mr A Stapeley Mr ltay-os Mr de Lucullus aMr Reuben More Mr Kairun Lord Astra! a Mr La Belle Duchesae Mr Gadfly Mr Rosina Mr A Lady Contrary Mr Gott Yvonne aMr Golden Hope Mr Princess Jeon Major Reigning Princess Hen Lambtnn 9 Mr A Rowan Mortem 9 aMr Faith Cure Hornsby 9 Mr by Grammc-nt Nightgear Private Mr It Lost Love Peck Mr by Dcwnutli Eisey 9 Sir Briorcliffe Thursby Mr Church Maid Lawton Mr A King of the Plains Fallon aSTr Pheasantford Thursby A A -The MIDLAND AUCTION NURSERY HANDICAP O-OU of 200 sovs for two-year-olds entrance 5 sovs for starters winners of any nursery handicap (selling races excepted) after September 22 at noon 51b twice or 500 sovs 91b extra the winner to be sold for 50 sovs THE ARMY CUP The draw for the Irish regiments which were omitted yesterday is as follows: 1st King's Own Scottish Borderers Dublin 2nd Royal Fusiliers Curragh 1st Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Dublin 2nd Leicestershire Regiment Curragh 1st Yorkshire Light Infantry Dublin a bye Remainder of Ireland 2nd Connaught Rangers 1st Oxfordshire Light Infantry Curragh 4th Royal Rifle Corps Cork 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers Fermoy 1st Royal Irish Regiment Butlivant 1st South Staffordshire Regiment Kinsale 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment Templemore 2nd Cheshire Regiment Limerick 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment Belfast a bye VOLUNTEER NEWS IRONBRIDGE COMPANY The annual prize shooting took place at the Bui Id was Range seven shots at 200 yards The chief prize winners were: Private Jones 32: Lance-Corporal Alloock 32 Private Corfield 31 Private Cooke 30 Private North all 30 Private Williams 30 Lance-Sergeant Corfield 30 Sergeant Wiggins 30 Sergeant Potter 29 Sergeant Roberts 29 Private Pugh 28 Corporal Shaw 23 Private Evans 28 Private Ewing 28 Private Baguloy 28 Private Tranter 28 Private Bullock 28 Private Spragg 28 Corporal Williams 27 Lance-Corporal Edwards 27 Private Speke 27 Private Watkis 27 Private Coombes 27 Sergeant Beardshaw 26 Corporal Oswell 26 Private Small 26 Sergeant Shaw 26 Private Aston 25 Colour-Sergeant Poole 25 Privato Nick less 25 Private Molinoaux 25 Corporal Gam-ton 24 Lance-Corporal Barrett 22 Privato Cooper 20 THE STONE COMPANY Yesterday evening the officers and members of the Stone Company of the 1st YB North Staffordshire Regiment dined at the Town Hall Among others present were Major Harding (in the chair) Lieutenant Mealdn Mr A Owen (Dolton Cross) Mr Kirkham (West-over) Mr Fletcher (Mansion House! Mr George Lewis Councillor Thomas Smith (Leicester) Mr Watson Superintendent Bishop Mr Beech Mr Redman and Mr Crosbie Dawson The usual toasts were acknowledged Major Harding read an extract from the report of the Field Practice Association which stated that the Stone Company 1st YB North Staffordshire Regiment wins the first prise in eadb of the three district competitions including the £25 and also takes tho socond prize (£20) in the general prize list Match This company Last year made the highest aggregate and in the neral prize list was oneof the next six best in Match II with 261 points Singular Drowning Case A young man named Staggles yesterday drove two ladies from Boeeombe to Tucktcax While waiting for them to return he drove down a steep incline to water the horse in the Riser Stour when the horse and trap slipped into the water The man unharnessed the horse wiiiioh assoax aflbprts but he himself was drowned Suicide in a Church Mrs Mary Watson wife of the postmaster of Allestree near Derby committed suicide on Monday night by jumping down a well in the parish church The aperture is underneath the tower and into it the clock weights disappear The opening was protected and this fact precludes tho possibility of the deceased having fallen in accidentally She had been very much depressed of late Light Railway for The isolated district between Leighton Buzzard and Hitchin is about to be connected by a light railway i th the Midland and Great Northern lines 'Hie land has already been surveyed and plans prepared It is intended to start the line from Leighton Buzzard with a station in almost the very centre of the town and from there the line is to run to Hockliffe Todtlington and Harlington Barton Pirton and Shilling-ton and from thence to Hitchin into the Great Northern Railway at the side of the Bedford and Hitchin branch- of two or one of 200 sovs 101b extra second to recei 5 sovs entrance 5 sovs for starters 2m age st Mr Marias II Sir Cliviger A White Frost aMrs II Zebac Mr Sambre Mr Last of the Queens Capt Grey Hag Mr Wharfe aMr Brassey Counsellor Capt La Fortune Mr (J Hetty aMr Her Ring Mr Paphnis aMr Buddler Mr Winter Mr Sweet Anne Page Lord Ellesmere's Athenais Mr A fty Mr Carholme Mr C'ampana Hr Lowland Beauty Mr Miss Jenny Gen Charley Mooney Golding Thursby Cannon Gavnor Robson Hornsby Robinson Owner Jennings jun Darling Owner Tinsley Waugh IV Eisey Holt A Prince Dawson jun Halsey Eisey VY Nigiitingall Leader C'ialoner Stevens 6 13 6 10 6 9 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 130 -The MELTON PLATE 100 sovs two-year-olds 8st 51b three 10st four and upwards 10s 51b winners of any race (selling races and handicaps excepted) 41b twice or once of 200 sovs lOib thrice or of 500 sovs at one time 1411 extra and allowed 31b and maiden: allowed 41b 6fur A van Hoboken's Ilis Reverence age st lb 5 11 Jockey Barnby Manor Selling Helium (13) Loates 5to 1 agst Wklbeck Stakes Handicap Marthus (8) Luke 6 to 1 agst Elvaston Castle Plate Dbgraslmont (9) Luke 4 to 1 agst Col wick Park Selling Debrett (7) Segrott 7 to 2 agst Sherwood Ni rsrry Plate Dismay (3) Loates 100 to 14 agst Bknttnck Stares King Hampton Toon wo NOTTINGHAM AUTUMN MEETING Tuesday It was colder at Nottingham to-day with a cloudy sky and no sunshine but the attendance was again good and tho sport was interesting Details: The BARNBY MANOR SELLING (Handicap) PLATE of 106 sovs winner to be sold for 50 sovs 5fur Mr HELIUM by Chemistry 3 yr 7st 71b Mr 11 HORSEGILL 3 vrs 7st Sib Mr BOUTHILLIER aged 9rt Mr Intense 4 vrs 9st 91b Mr Disillupiou 4 yr- 3st 61b Mr Semola 6 yrs 8- 51b Mr Sheep 3 vrs 8st olb Lord Biraalin II 3 yrs 7st 111b Mr WcAverina 3 yrs 7st 9ib Capt Revelation 3 yrs 7sfc 91b Mr Lady Galloway 3 yrs 7st 71b Mr Grand Luxe 3 yrs 7rt 71b Mr Charisia 3 yrs 7st 71b Loates Robinson Finlay Black Fagan Lane Luke SI ran Toon 0 Madden Lofthouse Allsopp 0 Purkiss 0 'Race started at 2 5 Winner trained by Bote on) Pitting: 11 to 4 agst Biondin II 5 to 1 agst HELIUM 100 15 agst Revelation 10 to 1 each aert Samola Sheep and Charisia 100 to 8 agst any other Charisia on the far side made he ruining from Grand Luxe Wolverine and Blondin II with Helium on the right next and Samola and Sheep heading the others So they ran to the i i of tte-hill where Blondin II drew to tht front but inside the dis-taiuc was challenged by Helium who won by three-parts ef a length a short head separated the second and tliird Wolverine waa fourth Bl aidui IT littei Samola sixth Charbia seventh Sheep next and Granri Luxe last The winner was purchased by Mr Norton tor 155 gs Blondin II was old to Mr Lawton for 36 gs and Charisia to Mr Johnson for 30 gs The WELBECK STAKES HANDICAP of 250 sovs by subscription of 3 sovs each and 2 extra for starters winners extra the second to receive 25 sovs the Straight Mile Mr Maiiact MARTHUS by Deuce of Swtxt Mart 3 yrs 7- 2ib Luke 1 M-- II Baldck ST FORT 4 yrs 7st 71b Madden 2 Mr 0 SYBARITE 4 yrs 6st 91b (car 6st IHb) Segrott 3 Lord Draco 4 yrs 9et Sman 0 Mr Itigii Faine Step 6 ts 8st lib Bobmson 0 Mr Eseorial 3 7st 71b Allsopp 0 Mr Fregoli 3 yrs 7st 21b Toon 0.
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